JESUS’ GENDER, ORIGINAL SIN, ANDY CHROMOSOMES by Fred TanTalking Points: o Virgin Birth is a Supernatural Act of God o Virgin Birth and Cloning o …

After the angst of my covid infection died down, I was back to my routine of Scripture reading at 8 am by the window overlooking…

Will He notice? Will He notice when I enter the Golden Realm above? Will I hear His words of welcome or miss His glance of…

My Tribute to Mike He would just smile at me each time I toppled my king on the chess board. I never beat him on…

Tiny crystallized snow flakes drifted down against the glaring orange morning sun like myriads of tinker bell angels surfing and frolicking on the gentle winter…

Seeing is more than just the perception of light reflections. The images that registered in our mind at a moment are woven into the fabric…

I overheard an altercation between a teenager and his mother. “I just don’t have time, Ma ! “ the teenager revolted. “You make time, if…

Consists of 81 chapters. also translated as – The Cannon of “Ethical Living” The word “Tao” (道) is used philosophically to express the concept of…

Tai Chi Demo Videos Tai Chi 103 Set 1 Video Tai Chi 103 Set 2 Video Tai Chi 103 Set 3 Video Tai…

我的音乐盒 … 國偉 筆記 黃昏 Twilight 遇見 Encounter 雪梅 Snow Cherry 隱行的翅膀 Invisible Wings 1. Diary from Fredd on Myspace. 2. Huang Hun from…

Don is a good man with a God fearing wife. He has heard the gospel a hundred times yet still not ready to receive Christ….

I tried closing my eyes again, this time its not working anymore, I am still hurting…for how long? I remember that I was about four. Its my frist…

Was it just my childhood emotional luggage or was it a normal psychological reaction to situation I was in? What ever it was I seemed to…

At least I can say I know now. What in the world was I talking about. I thought I knew. I thought I could see,…

I am not sure how long has it been since I last walked around our allotment. I have stopped my diet of blended celery with…

I have been suffering from pollen allergy for months now, Stuffy nose, headaches, stuffy ears and unending ping-pong of cough going on and off. It was…

Its been a year now today. I wonder what my life would be had I not chose to leave. I always thought its going to be…

Now, I am not sure if it was just a nightmare or what. It happened a long time ago when I was little He was my…

When I saw him, he was still very alive flopping his wings under the sun. He was lying on the driveway the next morning. I…

人为什么会觉得孤独呢? 从人的本性说起。人心本来是虚空的。如果我们把整个世界放进心内也不会填满的。孤独只不过是整个空虚感的一部分。有人解析孤独说:“孤独感乃是一种封闭心理的反映,是感到自身和外界隔绝或受到外界排斥所产生出来的孤伶苦闷的情感“。 可我不同意这种说法。 孤独,并非指单独生活或独来独往。一个人暂时独处,也许并不感到孤独,而置身于闹市广众之间,未必就没有孤独感产生。每一个人都有孤独的时候,但并非每个人都能消除孤独感。 Perlnen(1982)对孤独特征的定义,孤独是一种不愉快的,令人痛苦的主观体验或心理感受。一般而言,短暂的或偶然的孤独不会造成心理行为紊乱,但长期或严重的孤独可引发某些情绪障碍,降低人的心理健康水平。孤独感还会增加与他人和社会的隔膜与疏离,而隔膜与疏离又会强化人的孤独感,久之势必导致疏离的个人体格失常。 孤独感有种种。 最普通的孤独感是感到自身与所喜欢的人隔绝,感觉他不会体会到你的感受。当你需要帮助的时候却得不到。虽然是置身于亲人朋友之间。还是觉得隔膜与疏离。

I got a call yesterday saying that our octogenarian friend had passed away. He was diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus and the doctor gave him…

Butterfly, Butterfly Flop your wings and fly up high Over the hills and mountain range Find the rainbow of your dream

Conflict is as real as gravity. Just as everything falls to the ground so does conflict gravitate in the survival…

I got a call from a 87 years old friend. He is a retired mailman. Except for being diagnosed to have a terminal cancer…

I’m Nobody! Who are you? by Emily Dickenson I’m nobody! Who are you? Are you nobody, too? Then there’s a pair of us —…

It hurts, it really hurts. When you become a victim of slander how would you react? Is it really important on what people say about you?…

When I was about 3 years old, I remember that I began to understand how to play group games by the rules. Till now, I still like…

This blog is the keyhole to my mind, where you can peep through and see the choo choo train of my thought racing through the…

Received some bad news. I am coping well because lots of my friends are praying for me. I sat by the kitchen dining table the last few…
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